Laser Eye SurgeryAugust 2015
Lisa had been wearing glasses and contact lenses for around 20 years when she decided to have laser eye surgery. Over the years, she had struggled with contact lenses and found glasses to be uncomfortable as they were too heavy on her face.
Even though she had tried various frames to resolve the issue she still couldn’t get happy with them and so decided it was time for a more permanent vision correction solution.
Lisa came to Optical Express in Cardiff for a free consultation to find out if she would be suitable for laser eye surgery. She was delighted to find out that she was an ideal candidate and couldn’t wait to get booked in for treatment.
After researching the surgery and reviewing all the information she had been given, Lisa decided to go for the LASIK iDesign because, thanks to its incredibly advanced technology and accurate results, she felt it would be the best option for her.
On the day of surgery, Lisa met with the surgeon who spoke though everything with her and covered any concerns she had. She was then taken into the surgery room where the procedure was performed.
Post-surgery Lisa expressed “I just can’t get over how quick the whole thing was.” and explained there was no pain during surgery. At her post-surgery appointment, she had her eyes tested and was over the moon to learn that her vision was now better than 20/20. Amazed at the results she said “For me this has been such an amazing experience and something I’m so glad I did.”
*This promotion is available only to people receiving iDesign iLasik treatment. Your clinical team will confirm if you are eligible for iDesign iLasik and Optical Express will confirm whether you are eligible for this promotion in your informed consent document. As measured by Optical Express at least 12 months following initial treatment or 3 months following enhancement treatment. Causes of failure unconnected with our treatment excluded. See full terms and conditions here.
**In a study of 190,231 Optical Express patients with the most common prescriptions we treat (excluding those with presbyopia and emmetropia) 99.2% achieved 20/20 vision or better following treatment.