Lens Replacement Surgery March 2023
Sue enjoys reading and now she “can see the small print” without having to worry about glasses.
“I don’t want to continue with glasses”, Sue was fed up of having to consistently stop and put on her glasses whenever she would receive a text message. She felt the trouble she had wearing glasses, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic wearing masks, and when they steamed up during winter was enough for her to make the decision to visit her local Optical Express clinic in Bridgewater for her free no-obligation consultation for lens replacement surgery.
Sue spoke highly of the team in the Bridgewater clinic, pointing out that “everyone was very friendly, very welcoming and very professional”. With over £500 million invested in our clinics, state of the art technology and diagnostic equipment, and a team of expert clinicians, Sue was delighted with the procedure, stating she found the clinic to be “clean, calm and efficient”.